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Prodeus, the classic first-person shooterfrom old is reimagined with modern rendering techniques. The game achieves the AAA quality while still maintaining some… Read More
Valkyrie Elysium
Ragnarok, the End Times, loomed over all realms long ago. With the last strength of Odin’s might All-Father created Valkyrie, an emissary for redemption. Her sole mission was to save the world from certain doom.
Part demon, part human and obsessed with revenge. You can become The Unknown and battle through Hell’s most ferocious domains. To set yourself up to face The Red Judge, destroy the leaders of demon hordes.
Each legend has its own song. Yours is… Read More
Dusty is a robotic vacuum who gains consciousness after defending his home from burglars. FamilyCorp’s warranty team brutally attacks your family and you are thrown in front of the TV. Your family is on the verge of robotdeath. To protect your family, your… Read More
The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero
This is part of GOG Games Festival!
Find out about new games, the best gaming deals and demos, as well as upcoming titles you should consider.
Lloyd Bannings is back in his hometown, following his brother and joining the Crossbell Police… Read More
Wayward Strand, an emotional, and empathetic narrative, is created from many threads. It takes place simultaneously at an airborne hospital in Australia, 1970s.
Wayward Strand lets you take on the role of Casey Beaumaris, an adolescent girl who visits… Read More
Beacon Pines, a creepy and cute adventure that takes place within a mystery book is called. Both Luka, the main character of the book, and you play the role as the reader.
Luka and his friends are the only ones to notice something strange at the… Read More
Made in Abyss: Binary Star Falling into Darkness
Abyss is the world’s last unconquered chasm. It is where all adventures begin and end.
These stories show that those who are featured in them feel hypnotized by the power of the Abyss, and they aim to reach the bottom of this netherworld.
… Read More
It is vast and beautiful. But it can also be dangerous if you are reduced to the size an ant. This survival adventure is first-person, multiplayer. You will need to thrive with the giant insect hordes, as they battle for survival in the backyard.
The Tomorrow Children: Phoenix Edition
An experiment that was supposed to unify the minds of humanity is fatally flawed. Humanity is on the verge of extermination and “the Void” is the result.”The Void is a dim, viscous space where nothing can be seen.
The few survivors create… Read More